Explaining cyber tech has never been easy. I realised this working with the US Sales Teams at the cybersecurity pioneer Checkpoint. Probably the best bunch I have ever worked with but it was still hard for them to agree on the answer to this question: "What are your top 5 messages for customers today."
Things have only gotten worse as cybersecurity tech has got more and more complicated.
Recently I've been working on Go To Market messaging with 2 great Stage A cybersecurity companies.
Company 1 - Old, traditional industry, non tech-savvy customers
Company 2 - Deep tech industry customers , customers super-sophisticated techies
Both teams understood that fundamentally they needed messaging for real people who buy cybersecurity in enterprises. That often includes an overworked CISO, a cash strapped COO or a CEO with stakeholders worried about risk management.
Both companies independently came to the conclusion that their messaging should not just be about the threat or the technical understanding of how the cyber solution works.
The experts have spotted this. Ciaran Martin, Britain’s former Cyber-Chief said this a number of years ago.
"We have infantalised people about cybersecurity and we have also told them about the wrong problem. Cybersecurity.....for most organisations is a mundane business risk that is about the reduction of harm, it's about data protection, its about business continuity in the event of ransomware, it's about continuing service provision, it's about not having valuable IP stolen." *
As always it is only by seeing things from the all the customer's (pain) point of view that you can work out what you need to tell them you can help with.
That means going back to the fundamentals of technology adoption for any business: the techies should love it, it should be easily adopted, cause little organisational friction, be simple to use and the value should be understandable by everyone.